Welcome to Teacher’s Goldmine and thanks for visiting
Wow! I am finally here and it’s totally exhilarating to be following my passion---creating educational materials for children. This blog is a challenge for me because there are many things I have yet to learn, but that's ok. I can do it! I can do it! I have to keep reminding myself. As a matter of fact, I think that would also make a good chant for my students. Play a little music in the background and have a go at it.
It took a long time for me to write my first post. I knew that I wanted to dedicate something to teachers and offer words of inspiration. After I finally made my decision, I scoured the World Wide Web for the best quotes for teachers. I love quotes! It fits right along with my purpose in life---to educate, empower, and inspire. So, I certainly hope I have accomplished that goal with this first post.
I love reading quotes! Did I say that already? A good quote can uplift you, empower you, motivate you, and make you want to try just one more time. That’s what a good quote does for me. Enjoy and let them do what they are meant to do---empower and inspire you.
"Those who love the young best stay young the longest." ~Edgar Friedenberg
Children will keep you young, and they will keep you on your toes too. No doubt about it. There is never a dull moment when you are surrounded by children. So, rejoice in the fact that your students are contributing to your longevity. Yes they are. Repeat after me. My students are making me younger and younger every day. Say it and believe it because what you truly believe becomes your reality. I just might know what I am talking about because my share of children began very early. I am one of 12 children---9 boys and 3 girls. Let me add that I am also the proud grandmother of five lovely ones---Shakevia, Dante, Shyanne, Quentin Jr., and Maliah. I guess you can say that I am looking forward to many more young and vibrant years. I'll take that. Thank you!
"Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all professions possible." ~David Hasalkorn - Where would the doctors, lawyers, dentists, and business owners be without their teachers? Where in the world would your children be without you? You are important! Do what you do every day knowing that you ARE making a difference in your students’ lives. You are an artist, and the child is your canvas.
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." ~Winston Churchill
You give and give and give---every day. It’s just a part of who you are. That’s why it’s so easy and natural to you. Blessings flow easier when you are in a state of giving. So, keep giving. You may be the best thing that ever happened to one of your students.
"To the world you might just be one person; but to just one person, you might be the world." ~Unknown - You have the power to mold and shape another human being. You are the potter and they are the clay. Never, ever underestimate or minimize what you do on a daily basis.
"The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." ~William James
What you give your students will be with them for the rest of their lives. Their education will last and that's one thing that can never be taken from them. Help them see the value in education. Make sure they know the purpose of learning, the power of knowledge, and what it can do for them. When any of my students start playing in class, I use one of my favorite comments, "You are playing with your education and I don't appreciate that. Your life is too important for you not to take your education seriously." Sometimes I will say, "Would you like to be excused from my class because this is the high achievers' class and we don't play around in here?" I am happy to report that noone has ever asked to leave. It works for me and the student settles down quickly. I say it like I really mean it, (and I do) with a natural tone.
"There is a giant asleep in every man. When the giant awakes, miracles happen." ~Frederick Faust Your students have God-given talents and abilities. Help them discover what they are and give them the opportunity to use them. Right there in the midst of your classroom you could have the world’s next best-selling author, politician, doctor, multi-millionaire, or president. Watch them with a "different eye" and their special gift is likely to appear. You may even recognize the gift before their parents.
"Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." ~Malcolm Forbes
The best way to get their minds filled with knowledge is to remember the E-3 Formula: engage, excite, enrich. This world is filled with enormous possibility and it's theirs for the taking.
"The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another.”
~Marva Collins – Now this is a great teacher goal. Wouldn't it be great to have a contagious epidemic of learning? I can handle that. What about you? I have been incorporating more songs, poems, and chants into my day. They love it!
“A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron." ~Horace Mann – There are many things you can do to inspire your students. They will even benefit from a good quote. Find one and challenge your students to memorize it. Use words that empower. Help them develop good habits of the mind.
I already knew you could do that. I like the effort you put into your project. I know you feel proud about this. Try these positive affirmations for children
“They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
~Carol Buchner – If a child is feeling good about him/herself, anything is within the realm of possibility. One of our challenges as teachers is to change their perceptions and help them develop a better self-image.
"One of a teacher’s most important jobs is to help his/her students discover who they are meant to be. The other job is to show them how to become that." ~Suzanne Harris – This is a big one for me because I believe that many of our children are walking around with incredible greatness. It's lying dormant like a bud waiting for springtime. Some of our children don't know how great they are because no one has ever told them. Let’s make a commitment to help them make this important discovery so they can achieve their full potential. The world is waiting for them to shine. Wake up somebody!
“If a seed of a lettuce will not grow, we do not blame the lettuce. Instead, the fault lies with us for not having nourished the seed properly.” ~Buddhist proverb
Please share your favorite inspirational quote in the comments section. It will do all of us a world of good.